Answers to all your ESD / AS related questions

  • What Is Static Electricity?
  • Why is static-control flooring needed?
  • Why is Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) a problem?
  • What is the relationship between Relative Humidity and ESD?
  • Can a resin floor be installed on a contaminated floor?
  • Can resin flooring be installed on any substrate?
  • Does the provided system need to be tested and inspected?
  • What is the minimum value of the slip resistance test?
  • What maintenance does the installed flooring system need?
  • Does the floor need a primer for a perfect installation?
  • Who installs specified Remmers flooring materials?
  • Will resin taint any food or beverage?
  • How long do you have to wait before you can walk on the floor?

Answers to all your concrete floor questions

  • What colours is PU Crete available in?

General FAQs

  • How do i get in contact with a specialist?
  • Why choosing Remmers?