• MB PUReactive+
    • MB PUReactive+

    Article No. 142211

    MB PUReactive+

    Fibre-reinforced hybrid waterproofing material for flat roofs and balconies

    Product specifications

    Reaction to fire Class B-s1, d0* (DIN EN 13501-1)
    BROOF Class T1, T3 and T4 (DIN EN 13501-5)
    Density Approx. 1.4 kg/dm³
    Consistency Free-flowing
    Crack-bridging ≥ 3 mm (at a dry layer thickness ≥ 2 mm)
    Layer thickness 1.1 mm wet layer thickness yields approx. 1 mm dry layer thickness
    Pot life Max. 90 min. (20 °C, 50% RH)
    Water vapour diffusion resistance µ = 2748

    * This classification applies to the following end uses: The product must be applied directly and without air gap to flat building materials that must comply with class A1 or A2-s1, d0 according to EN 13501-1 and must have a thickness of at least 6 mm and an apparent density of at least 1350 kg/m². Otherwise, the fire behaviour is to be assessed as "Class E".

    The stated values represent typical product characteristics and are not to be construed as binding product specifications.

    Field of application

    • Regeneration
    • AW_M_227
    • Flat roofs, balconies, walkways
    • AW_M_226
    • Connections to lead-throughs and rising components


    • Very low emissions (GEV-EMICODE EC 1Plus)
    • For application with no reinforcement inlay
    • Optimised for manual and spray application
    • EG_M_443
    • Preparation
      • Substrate requirements


        Absorbent mineral substrates must be slightly damp.

      • Preparations

        If necessary, a contact layer of MB PUReactive+ can be applied to absorbent substrates at an application rate of approx. 500 g/m².

        Fill depressions > 3 mm using a suitable filler or MB PUReactive+ blended with Selectmix 0/10.

    • Preparation
      • Mixing ratio comp. A 1 : comp. B 1
      • Mixing time 3 min
      • Combination container

        Stir the liquid component with a suitable mixing tool.

        Loosen the powder component and add it in full to the liquid component.

        Mix for approx. 1 minute before suspending the mixing process to allow the air that has been stirred in to escape.

        Remove the powder adhering to the side.

        Mix again for approx. 2 minutes.

        Keep the mixing tool near the bottom of the bucket while mixing.

    • Application
      • Application temperature: min. 5 °C max. 40 °C
      • VA1_M_235


        Follow-up work and coverings

        Surface waterproofing + Detail waterproofing

        Apply MB PUReactive+ to the prepared substrate using a suitable tool. Apply a second waterproofing layer of MB PUReactive+ with a suitable tool as soon as the first layer is dry enough to resist damage (overall application rate min. 3.7 kg/m²).


    • Application instructions
      • The adhesion to the substrate must be tested on a case-by-case basis.

        Always set up a trial area/trial areas first.

        Direct sunlight and/or wind can cause accelerated skin formation on liquid-applied waterproofing materials.

        Moving the material (e.g. by stirring) in the mixing bucket can prevent premature skin formation.



        The minimum dry layer thickness is 2.0 mm.


        Protect fresh waterproofing from rain, frost and condensation.

        Please contact Remmers Technical Service (phone +49 5432 83900) before applying with machine processing.

    • Working tools / cleaning
      • Mixing tool, flat brush, roller, smoothing trowel

        Clean tools with water while the material is still fresh.

        Any material that has already begun to dry can only be removed mechanically.

    • Storage / shelf life
      • Store frost-free and cool / protect for moisture / close containers
      • Shelf-life 9 months
      • If stored unopened in its original container in a cool, dry place and protected against frost, the product will keep for at least 9 months.

    • Usage
      • Min. 1.85 kg/m²/mm dry layer thickness
        Overall application rate min. 3.7 kg/m²

    • General information
      • U2_M_173




        Current regulations and legal requirements must be taken into account and deviations from these must be agreed separately.

        Certificates of suitability (EAD) must be observed during planning and execution.

        Special agreements and certificates of suitability can be downloaded online at www.remmers.com.

    • Disposal instructions
      • Larger quantities of leftover product should be disposed of in the original containers in accordance with the applicable regulations. Completely empty, clean containers should be recycled. Do not dispose of together with household waste. Do not allow to enter the sewage system. Do not empty into drains.

    • Safety / regulations
      • For further information on the safety aspects of transporting, storing and handling the product and on disposal and environmental matters, please see the current Safety Data Sheet.

    Tools, accessories and PPE